Sunday, September 1, 2013

New Beginnings

Today is September 1st, 2013 and exactly four months until the New Year.  Last year at this time, I was in some of the worst shape of my life, and mentally as well as physically beat down.  Then I was chosen to be part of Covenant Health's Biggest Winner Team, coached by former Olympian Missy Kane.  Through that program I was able to reshape myself both physically as well as mentally, and came out the other side completing a 1/2 marathon and a much stronger person.

That time has come and gone.  You can always say you could have done more, worked harder, etc.  I definitely can.  But my development, both physically in my weight loss and mentally, have been long lasting, something that is significant in the life of a chronic yo-yo dieter.  I am still within 10 or so pounds of my lowest during the program (I lost over 40), and that has been with minimal effort in diet or exercise.  That, for me, is huge.  Pretty much every other time in my life, by now, I would have gained it back.  So for that I am proud. is time to complete my weight loss journey.  I am going to utilize this blog much more than I did in the past, and let everyone and anyone who cares know exactly what I am doing, what I am eating, my highs and lows, challenges and successes.

I want my New Years Resolution this year to be, for the first time in MANY YEARS, not to be to lose weight, but to live and love life in the body I have built, and go forward and achieve things I previously never thought possible.  (I have a few ideas, but I am gonna hold off on telling too much of that for now).

My plan is simple.  I am going to do everything that I know to do that supports weight loss, all at the same time.  This includes:

  • Cardio - Shea is training for the Savannah Rock n' Roll 1/2 marathon, and while I don't know if I will be competing in it at this time, I am definitely going to train with her.
  • Weight Training - with Little League football in full swing, my evenings are booked 4 nights per week.  So 5 AM is gonna come early, starting tomorrow.
  • Low Glycemic - Call it South Beach, Atkins, Nutrisystem, Paleo, whatever you want to call it.  The fact is sugars and starchy foods slow your weight loss.  I don't need anyone telling me about portions, good cards/bad cards.  Carbs are impossible to avoid, and by no means should your carbohydrate target be zero.  But having pasta every night isn't the fast track to a six pack.
  • Supplements - I am not recommending, promoting, and definitely not selling ANYTHING on this blog.  You won't hear me promoting ACE or Visalus or whatever other trendy supplement comes along.  But there are things that I feel have been proven, over many years, that I feel are legitimate weight loss supplements.  I will be integrating those as I go along, and I tell you exactly what, how much, and if I feel they are making any difference at all.

I am not going to promote this blog on Facebook or otherwise until January 2014, so if everything goes according to plan, you will be able to see all the changes I made at once.

To all those who have supported me along the way and continue to do so, all I can say is Thank You and I will not let you down.


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